*notcot in tech , 15:59

eGrips- 01.10.06

egrips.jpg So I admit i was a non believer that i would ever stick things to my phone. Also i have not been able to find a suitable case/cover for the treo 650 that protects the screen and makes it less slippery, while not making it hugely bulky. Being female, i tend to carry my treo in my purse, so smaller the better, but it will definitely come into contact with keys/makeup/leatherman/etc. Anyhow, at CES the Palm booth lady gave me eGrips which in my boredom i stuck on to the treo to see what it was like (it did say that you could remove it with no goo left behind)… and then i proceeded to see if it really did magically keep from slipping on slanted surfaces. So while it did not stick to the matte painted wall, it did stick nicely to the guitar! Although, it’s not actually sticking, more or a "not sliding off".


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