*notcot in design , 16:28

Kvadrat + Boontje- 05.07.06

I found heaven. It is a giant white cube with openings on each side, where all you see are layers and layers of panels of fabric. Incredibly delicious Kvadrat fabric from their collaboration with genius Tord Boontje - some are relatively transparent printed with the breathtaking flowers and natural patterns, others are dual layered with laser cut floral motifs with the shimmery layers below peeking through. And as you pass through these many layers of floor to what felt like 7-8’ ceilings - you find yourself in the center. As if you entered into a whole other world, a chamber of cylindrical playful colorful stools covered in more fabrics from the collection, and they are all simply divine. No image could really do them justice, but while wandering the Copenhagen Furniture Fair, this was the one thing that blew me away, and i sat in there staring and spinnging around and taking pictures for a while. [Image of the exterior of this mysterious space below].

I have about 130+ images from the fair alone, considering putting up a link to the gallery if people are interested in seeing them.


I think some people were scared of this one - but its one of those things that is designed that there MUST be something inside… so it was definitely a pack mentality thing, once people started seeing others go in, it got more crowded. It was the most serene thing ever, we all need a room like that.

5 Notes

yes, please do post the link, i, too, have just discovered your blog, and would love to see them! thanks

----- ryan 13.05.06 13:59

I would love to see all the pictures from the Kvadrat & Tord Boontje collaboration. I love Tord Boontje with a passion.

----- Bonny 12.05.06 09:36

Oh PLEASE do post more of the pictures so we can get a taste of the great things you enjoyed. Thanks. I’ve just discovered your blog and I’m glad I did. Will come back soon to see if you post the pictures

----- cally 11.05.06 20:58

Would love to see the rest of the photos!

----- k8 11.05.06 11:53

Please post the pictures. I use your sight on a daily basis to escape into a wonders word of Pretty, simple, glamourous, fun.

----- Erik 08.05.06 09:52

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