*notcot in playful , 14:37

Baldguys- 08.15.06

Baldguy Greetings have the guts to say the things you don’t. OR they at least make it harder for the recipient to see it coming, because this isn’t your usual kind of greeting card - on the inside. I know this made its way around already, but Shade Elaine and i helped get their site together, and as i was cleaning through my desk, i realized that in working on it for a while, we forgot to post about how much we loved them! With adorable cards like “I value our friendship - and by ‘value our friendship’ I mean i’m never going to sleep with you. Happy Birthday.” and “So you broke up. It’d going to get better. - I mean, it kind of has to. This is rock bottom for you, right?” how can you go wrong? There are some things a card manages to get away with that just don’t work as well in person - and for those moments, we have the Baldguys.


I love “Happy Birthday Jesus”!

----- Mike 15.08.06 19:13

These cards are hysterical. Thank you for turning me onto them. My family has been in the greeting card business for a long time, but I’ve never seen cards like this. They’re amazing.

----- Jason Hallmark 15.08.06 22:24

Soooooooooooo funny. I’m bummed they aren’t in more stores. I’m sending this to everyone I know.

----- Martha Jurzynski 16.08.06 23:59

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