*notcot in design , 17:38

Subzero- 11.28.07

subz1.jpgsubzero came from a look at the psychology of populations. and well, myself….seemingly conscious, educated and caring, but completely paralyzed by the understanding of a lawless administration, various nations at war, a planet reaching boiling point, and it all seems out of control. Subzero does nothing; Less Than Nothing. He is depressed from his incapacity to affect anything. In the end it’s a call to arms really but for now he remains motionless, frustrated, mad, and simply bummed out.”

This limited edition of 10 porcelain slip cast characters is from NOTCOT fav, Michael Salter (remember his incredible recycled packing styrofoam robot guys?). These will be shown at his first solo exhibition in NYC starting January 10th at the Jeff Bailey Gallery in Chelsea… and if you make it over there you’ll also get to see one of his 12 ft (yes, you read that right) Styrobots… as well as drawings, animations, and kinetic sculptures! Anyhow, i’m kind of loving the packaging and his description of the subzero’s, and how they are exactly what i wake up every morning and try to be a little better than… poor poor subzero. Also, how awesome is that shark patterned one? (extra close up pic below!)





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8 Notes

This is the first time I’ve felt it absolutely necessary to comment on a posting on notcot, though I’m a frequent reader.

THESE ARE AMAZING! I’m in love. Oh, and I’m located in NYC…when are they available? Truly an influential piece of art.

----- Katie 30.11.07 08:13

They’re even more amazing in person. They stand well over 1 foot tall (I’d guess about 16 inches, based completely off of a visual guess). I believe Michael will be selling subzero at his gallery show in New York. Absolutely worth checking out.

----- Colin 29.11.07 17:58

I love these! Brilliant!

----- s4ndm4n 29.11.07 14:23

most of my work, though elemental to each installation in relation to all the work, is for sale. Subzero will be part of the installation, opening at Jeff Bailey Gallery Jan 10th. If you’re really anxious, Jeff would be the man to contact. Subzero thanks all for the great comments.

----- salter 29.11.07 13:23

are they buy-able? i want them….

----- Blue 29.11.07 11:51

thats awesome. like strongsad, just cuter. awesome description and omg how cool are those sharks!?!

----- rugenius 29.11.07 07:44

Are they going to be available for purchase in some form?

----- norm 29.11.07 06:44

These are incredible!

----- jackson 28.11.07 17:51

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